At Godhuli, we have taken maximum care to provide all the possible facilities so that you can enjoy the best of your life. The following facilities are available for our every resident and guest:
Housekeeping facilities
Housekeeping daily
Linen services daily
Trash pick-up daily
In-House manager available on call 24 hrs a day
Natural wellness
An aura of magnificent dawn at Godhuli would welcome you through a chorus of chirping birds to a serene landscape where your body and mind can take a refreshing dip into pure oxygenated air. Life, then, achieves a new dimension of bliss.
Healthcare facilities
Medical Unit
Emergency medical response
Ambulance facility 24 hrs a day
Visiting Geriatrist Physician every month
Visiting physical instuctor once a week
Club Facilities​
Swimming Pool
Movies on Demand
Library & Reading Room
Tree House
Internet Parlor with high speed internet connection
Live Video chat facilities with your family and friends around the world
Current journals and periodicals
Senior Gym
(permission of doctor is needed)
The senior gym of Godhuli, set with a range of equipments like treadmill, air bike and leg massagers is designed to bring you comfort, flexibility and improved range of motion. Under the guidance of our senior gym instructor you are bound to have an excellent time of every morning and evening soft workouts.
Other Facilities
There is a 7 ft wall with barbed wire all around Godhuli with round the clock security personnel ensuring your full proof security.
Musical evenings and Birthday Celebration
Scheduled transportation for all residents and guests
Escort Services on demand
Parking facilty
Drivers'tempoarary accomodation on demand
Guest rooms are available on prior planned booking by visitors, relatives of residents who want to come and share time with their loved ones. We offer all the available facilities and standard services to our guests